The following posts relate to: Adobe

Lightroom Chaos

If you have been paying attention to photography-related social media lately, you may have heard that Adobe has made some changes to their Lightroom family of programs. Depending on who you listen to, it’s either no big thing or a sign of the apocalypse. I’m here to tell you that it’s neither unless you use […]

Keep Your Eyes Open For This

I posted a new tutorial about using Lightroom with BitTorrent on my main photography site. I have since heard from the folks at BitTorrent telling me they really enjoyed it and will be featuring it on the BitTorrent blog in January. Keep your eyes open for it.

Using Lightroom with Cloud Storage

Imagine you’re a photographer. Okay, that was probably the easy part. Let’s say you’re going on a long vacation and bringing your trusty DSLR, a couple of your favorite lenses, and a pocket full of memory cards. Two things are relatively certain. One is that you are not going to stop to edit your photos […]

Lightroom 5: First Impressions

If you are still using version 3, it’s past time to upgrade if you can.

Program or Manual Mode?

There is a bias among some photographers that one progresses from full automatic as a beginner, through the program modes like aperture priority, until one reaches the level of a Jedi Photography Master who shoots in manual mode all the time.

Being confident with your ability as a photographer doesn’t just mean that you know how to use manual mode, but you also know when not to use it.

My Lightroom Workflow: Importing – Part I

Let’s face it, when we get home from a shoot, we just want to throw the card into the computer, copy the photos over and start editing. Whoa there, pardner. Rather than just dump your files into your “My Pictures” folder, it pays to take stock of the organizational tools that Lightroom offers, and take […]

Loving the Histogram

If you are not digitally savvy and a poor speller, you might think that a histogram is a special x-ray of someone’s lady parts, but you’d be wrong. And maybe you’d also have a dirty mind, but that’s a matter for another conversation. The histogram is a handy little bit of info that can be […]