Master the Digital Darkroom

Lightroom or Photoshop. Take your already excellent photographs and make them awesome.

Using Lightroom with Cloud Storage

Imagine you’re a photographer. Okay, that was probably the easy part. Let’s say you’re going on a long vacation and bringing your trusty DSLR, a couple of your favorite lenses, and a pocket full of memory cards. Two things are relatively certain. One is that you are not going to stop to edit your photos […]

Lightroom 5: First Impressions

If you are still using version 3, it’s past time to upgrade if you can.

My Lightroom Workflow: Importing – Part I

Let’s face it, when we get home from a shoot, we just want to throw the card into the computer, copy the photos over and start editing. Whoa there, pardner. Rather than just dump your files into your “My Pictures” folder, it pays to take stock of the organizational tools that Lightroom offers, and take […]

Loving the Histogram

If you are not digitally savvy and a poor speller, you might think that a histogram is a special x-ray of someone’s lady parts, but you’d be wrong. And maybe you’d also have a dirty mind, but that’s a matter for another conversation. The histogram is a handy little bit of info that can be […]